Jan 26Liked by Steph Curtis

This is really helpful, thank you! My 5 and 8 yo are both PDAers, and board games cause huge upset, even as we are a family of board gamers...! Both kids are vvv into their iPads/laptops/TV (they get the first 2 through school funds bc we homeschool in the US). It’s a constant struggle for me and my husband bc it always feels too much! And we struggle with content limitation too: they hate YouTube kids and our TV has regular YouTube that we can’t remove, so it’s been a back and forth on that. The algorithm (and they love scrolling through a feed of videos!) puts more and more teenage stuff in front of their eyes...

We’ve had huge screaming meltdowns about trying to enforce YouTube kids only--we really can’t enforce it, either. How do you do content moderation?

She also plays Roblox and I’ve no idea how to prevent her playing certain games on there, and some of them aren’t suitable either. It makes me said that my 5 yo has working knowledge of stuff far too old for him!

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